Definition of mineral
- naturally occuring
- inorganic
- solid
- characteristic crystalline structure
- definite chemical composition
Definition of a rock
"a solid aggregate (mixture) of minerals"
The make up of solid matter on Earth
Atom > Elements > Compounds > Minerals > Rocks
(smallest) (largest)
Mineral Characterisitc
1. Naturally formed
No substance created atificially is a mineral. Ex: plastic, steel, sugar
2. Inorganic
Anything formed by a living organism and containing organic materials is not a minerals. Ex: wood, plant, coal, shells
3. Solid
Liquids and gases are not minerals. Ex: water, petroleum, lava, Oxygen
4. Characteristic crystalline structure
- must have an ordered arragement of atom
- displays repetitive geometric pattern in 3 D
5. Definite chemical composition
Must have consistent chemical formula. Ex: gold (Au), quartz (SiO2)